Seaports of Niedersachsen achieved growth in sea cargo transhipment
Targeted investments to consolidate the position of the seaports of Niedersachsen in business with non-containerised loads
Last year the nine seaports of Lower Saxony (Brake, Cuxhaven, Emden, Leer, Nordenham, Oldenburg, Papenburg, Stade, Wilhelmshaven) handled about 50.1 million tonnes of cargo in seagoing traffic. This means a 9 per cent-increase year-on-year. About 23,888 TEU passed the Wilhelmshaven container terminal, which has started operation at the end of last September. These figures were announced by Jörg Bode, Lower Saxony’s minister of economy, labour and transport, at the annual press conference of the seaports in Oldenburg.
“Our seaports in Lower Saxony had a successful financial year 2012. The port industry was able to expand their position in its core markets – transhipment of bulk goods, general cargo, project loads and automobiles. Container transhipment will become another important pillar in Lower Saxony during the next years", says Andreas Bullwinkel, managing director of Hafenmarketinggesellschaft Seaports of Niedersachsen GmbH.
As to non-containerised cargo the seaports of Lower Saxony are about to reach their capacity limits. Against this background Andreas Bullwinkel plans targeted investments to infrastructure, to generate further growth.
Quelle: LogEastics