Strong improvement in results for 2010 with Gefco

French logistics group Gefco strives for a further improved operative result in 2011 


The worldwide active logistics group Gefco (Paris) recognised a clearly positive trend in 2010. The annual sales as well as the operating result rose significantly. Turnover reached EUR 3.35 billion and was thus 16 per cent above the 2009 figure. The operating result amounted to EUR 198 million in the reporting period (2009: EUR 102 million). “With 5.9 per cent also margins have risen considerably“, the management of the parent company PSA Peugeot Citroen states with satisfaction. In the current year the operating result is also likely to rise.

Gefco employs around 10.000 staff at 400 locations in more than 100 countries. The enterprise operates “Logistics for Manufacturers“, based on the business segments Automotive, Overland, Logistics and Overseas. Gefco Austria with 45 employees generated a turnover of around EUR 20 million in the year 2010.

Quelle: LogEastics

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