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Arvato: Neues Logistikzentrum für Rituals in Hannover

Arvato Supply Chain Solutions hat gemeinsam mit dem Kunden Rituals Cosmetics eine neue Logistikanlage am Standort Hannover-Messe in Betrieb genommen. Das Objekt, das Rituals zu rund einem Viertel belegen wird, verfügt insgesamt über eine Grundfläche von knapp 47.000 m² und ist direkt neben dem bestehenden Standort von Arvato im Stadtteil Bemerode errichtet worden. Herzstück der…

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Austrian Airlines Flotte wächst um vier neue Airbus

Austrian Airlines hat diese Woche im hauseigenen Hangar am Flughafen Wien den ersten A320neo offiziell in Empfang genommen. Bis zum Frühjahr 2023 werden insgesamt vier Neo in die Flotte integriert. Damit wächst die rot-weiß-rote Austrian-Flotte von derzeit 61 auf insgesamt 65 Flugzeuge. „Das Austrian Team hat sich in den letzten zweieinhalb Jahren tapfer durch die…

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Personalie / Spedition Kukla: Carlos Lopes ist neuer Head of Sales

Carlos Lopes (42) verantwortet seit Oktober als Head of Sales den Vertrieb der Spedition Robert Kukla am Stammsitz in München. Mit dieser Personalentscheidung setzt Kukla auf einen sehr erfahrenen Mitarbeiter mit internationaler Ausrichtung, der bereits seit 2007 in verschiedenen Funktionen für das schnell wachsende Traditionsunternehmen arbeitet. In der neuen Position will Lopes weitere Marktpotenziale erschließen…


Trans UK becomes Pall-Ex shareholder

Peckham-based logistics company Trans UK has joined the Pall-Ex Group- a pallet distribution company that transports pallets nationally and internationally. This follows Trans UK’s decision to join the Fortec Distribution network in September, Fortec being a subsidiary of the Pall-Ex Group. The company will now facilitate pallet deliveries around London on behalf of both Fortec…


Coca-Cola partners with Maritime

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP), the largest independent bottler of Coca-Cola globally, is making the switch from road to rail to distribute its soft drinks between its manufacturing sites and third-party warehouse locations across London and Yorkshire. When the facility is running at full capacity the change will see up to 18,000 loads of CCEP’S products,…


DP World build new berth at London Gateway

DP World has today announced that work has begun to build a fourth berth at its logistics hub 28 miles outside of London. The project is set to cost £350 million, with construction expected to be completed by 2024. The London Gateway consists of a deep sea port, a logistics park and an international rail…


Goodman secures ingredients supplier for Crossways scheme

Premium ingredients supplier Albion Fine Foods has signed a lease with Goodman for a 138,062ft2 sustainable distribution facility at Crossways Commercial Park in Dartford, Kent. A subsidiary of family-owned business Vestey Holdings, Albion Fine Foods supplies chefs in London and the South East with dairy, frozen and dry goods, as well as specialist items from…


Planning approved for urban warehouse in Croydon

US-based real estate company Bridge Industrial has secured planning consent for a 62,000ft2 urban logistics warehouse at Bridge Point, Croydon in South London. Located on Factory Lane, the new development will target a BREEAM Excellent rating. Built to a Net Zero Carbon design, the building will be developed using the most sustainable materials and will…


Supply Chain Transparency and Emissions: A Data-Led Partnership to Emissions Measurement and Reporting

Join ‘Supply Chain Transparency and Emissions’ to learn how data can be used to create operational transparency allowing you to effectively measure and reduce carbon emissions. Sustainability continues to be a C-suite business imperative for logistics and transportation providers; demonstrating your sustainability credentials is an ever-growing consumer expectation and a business differentiator. As supply chain leaders…


New spec warehouse for DP World’s London Gateway scheme

DP World has begun construction on a new speculative 119,000ft2 warehouse at its 10 million ft2 London Gateway’s port-centric Logistics Park in the southeast. The company is developing the new warehouse in the light of ‘unprecedented’ levels of demand, and a record volume of cargo handled by its two UK logistics hubs at London Gateway…

BMÖ: Duales MBA-Studienprogramm für Einkauf und Supply Chain Management – Start 9. November 2022
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BMÖ: Duales MBA-Studienprogramm für Einkauf und Supply Chain Management – Start 9. November 2022

Der Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik in Österreich (BMÖ) bietet ab November 2022 wieder sein duales Studienprogramm für Einkauf & Supply Chain Management an. Die Ausbildung umfasst den Präsenzstudienteil Strategic Purchasing & Supply Chain Management sowie den für die Erlangung des akademischen Grades Master of Business Administration (MBA) erforderlichen MBA-Fernstudiengang der Middlesex University mit organisatorischer…


IAG Cargo trials first electric terminal tractor at London Heathrow

IAG Cargo, the cargo division of International Airlines Group (IAG) has begun a trial the first electric terminal tractor, Terberg YT203EV, at London Heathrow airport. This is the first electric Terberg operating airside worldwide. With the new vehicle in place, 30 tonnes of CO2 will be reduced per vehicle per year, which according to IAG,…


IAG Cargo trials first electric terminal tractor at London Heathrow

IAG Cargo, the cargo division of International Airlines Group (IAG) has begun a trial the first electric terminal tractor, Terberg YT203EV, at London Heathrow airport. This is the first electric Terberg operating airside worldwide. With the new vehicle in place, 30 tonnes of CO2 will be reduced per vehicle per year, which according to IAG,…

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Erste E-Terminalzugmaschine am Flughafen London-Heathrow

IAG Cargo, die Frachtabteilung der International Airlines Group (IAG), hat mit der Erprobung der ersten elektrischen Terminalzugmaschine, dem Terberg YT203EV, am Flughafen London Heathrow begonnen. Es ist der erste elektrische Terberg, der weltweit „luftseitig“ eingesetzt wird. Die Terberg YT203EV transportiert Ladeeinheiten (Unit Loading Devices, ULDs), die Güter für den Lufttransport beinhalten. Durch den Ersatz einer…


Film studio snaps up Pannattoni Park Borehamwood

A film and television production company has snapped up the last three units totalling 335,430ft2 at developer Panattoni’s Panattoni Park Borehamwood warehouse scheme in the Southeast. Film and television production companies have now taken up in excess of 3 million ft2 in the last three years in the UK and according to research by Knight…


Palletline continues to grow

Palletline Logistics, part of palletised freight distribution provider Palletline continues to grow following the completion of recent acquisitions. The company now has a total of nine businesses, which have collectively grown by 43% to achieve a £50 million turnover between them, employing 450 people across the UK. Since the launch of Palletline London, a further eight…

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Weiter Mietpreissteigerungen bei Logistikimmobilien

Die Nachfrage nach Logistikimmobilien in Europa hält weiterhin an und lässt die Mietpreise signifikant steigen. Diese Entwicklung wird im Neubaubereich zudem durch die gestiegenen Bau- und Finanzierungskosten forciert. Insgesamt verzeichneten 70 Prozent der untersuchten europäischen Märkte seit dem Ende des zweiten Halbjahres 2021 einen deutlichen Anstieg und 30 Prozent keine Veränderung der Mietpreise. In keiner…

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Lufthansa Cargo erweitert innereuropäisches Streckennetz

Ab Oktober 2022 bietet Lufthansa Cargo ihren Kunden weitere Frachtkapazitäten im Mittelstreckennetzwerk auf eigens dafür umgebauten Airbus A321-Frachtern an. Der erste Frachtflug dieser Art startete im März 2022 von Frankfurt nach Dublin. Aufgrund der positiven Resonanz am Markt und der anhaltend hohen Nachfrage aus den Bereichen E-Commerce und Same-Day wird ein zweites Flugzeug dieses Typs…


World Freight Services boosts warehouse space at Heathrow

Worldwide Flight Services has taken an additional 27,000ft2 of warehouse space at London Heathrow following a 30% year on year growth. WFS has signed a five-year lease on Building 578 in the airport’s cargo area, boosting its warehouse and office space. The additional building, due to commence operations in October, features eight landside doors for…

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Chapman Freeborn Deutschland: 40 Jahre Luftfracht-Services

Die deutsche Niederlassung der Chapman Freeborn Gruppe feiert in diesem Jahr ihr 40-jähriges Bestehen. Das Unternehmen blickt auf sehr erfolgreiche Jahre zurück und geht mit positiven Perspektiven in die Zukunft. Die Eröffnung der Frankfurter Geschäftsstelle im Jahr 1982 war der erste Schritt der internationalen Expansion der Chapman Freeborn Gruppe. Ein weiterer Standort folgte 1991 in…


Pall-Ex London to rebrand

Pall-Ex London is rebranding to become ‘Pall-Ex Logistics’ in the company’s latest owned operations development. Basildon-based Pall-Ex London an Owned Operation of Pall-Ex (UK) Ltd, is set to change its name to Pall-Ex Logistic. The name change is part of a long-term strategic investment plan within the owned operations. Colin Hawkins, Director of UK Owned…


Panattoni agrees double deal in Aylesford with land purchase and pre-let

Developer Panattoni has agreed a relocation deal with Marley, manufacturer and supplier of pitched roof systems to the construction market, which involves Marley relocating to Panattoni Park Aylesford and Panattoni securing a prime site from Marley in Wrotham, which the developer intends to redevelop. Marley has signed a long-term lease for a 9,945ft2 design-and-build facility…


Ocado launches rapid delivery service in Leeds

Ocado is launching its first Zoom warehouse outside London in Leeds. As reported in Logistics Manager last month the online retailer has taken Unit B Fox Way in Hunslet. It has just announced that it will run its rapid grocery delivery service Zoom by Ocado from the 17,5000ft2 warehouse. The rapid delivery service offers customers…


Goodman to develop 1.2 million ft2 logistics scheme in Luton

Commercial and industrial property group, Goodman, have set out plans to transform Vauxhall after-sales warehouse into 1.2 million ft2 prime sustainable logistics development in Luton, Bedfordshire. The plans for the 60-acre brownfield site will see the existing facilities demolished and redeveloped to provide up to 1.2 million ft2 of space with pre-let opportunities from 200,000ft2….

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IFM GIF beabsichtigt Teilangebot an die Aktionäre der Flughafen Wien AG

Der Preis entspricht einer Prämie von 25,5%.  Wie am 13. Juni 2022 bekannt gegeben, hat Airports Group Europe S.à r.l. („Airports Group Europe„), eine indirekte Tochtergesellschaft von IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (“IFM GIF”), zusätzliche Aktien der Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft (ISIN AT00000VIE62) erworben und hält über 40,0% des gesamten Grundkapitals des Flughafen Wien. Im Anschluss an…

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Eva Air: Bald Nonstop-Flüge nach Mailand und München

Die private taiwanesische Fluggesellschaft Eva Air erweitert ihr internationales Netzwerk und damit ihren Service für Reisende und Luftfracht. Noch in diesem Jahr werden Nonstop-Flüge zwischen Taipeh und zwei europäischen Zielen aufgenommen: Mailand ab dem 27. Oktober mit zwei Flügen pro Woche und München ab dem 5. November mit vier wöchentlichen Flügen. Mailand und München sind…


Amazon launches first e-cargo fleet in UK

Amazon has today launched its first micromobility hub for “sustainable” deliveries in Central London. E-cargo bikes and walkers from the new hub, along with Amazon’s electric fleet already on London’s roads, will make over five million deliveries a year across more than 10% of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone postcode districts. The online giant has…


HBD and Barings secure planning for 400,000ft2 London logistics scheme

Developer HBD and real estate investment manager Barings, have secured detailed planning for a 20-acre strategic logistics scheme in Rainham, London. The new development, on a brownfield site, will be known as Momentum London, and is being delivered by HBD and Barings in a joint venture partnership. It will create 381,814ft2 of new logistics and…


London’s record high industrial land values push residential development out

According to new research from Savills, 9% of the total residential pipeline (equating to 130,000 units) coming forward in London in 2022 could be at risk of becoming industrial space as land values for the sector continue to rise. Since 2017 industrial land values have increased by 175% to £8.3 million an acre and even…


Logistics UK’s Logistics Awards 2022. Don’t miss out – Entries close 5pm on Friday 15 July!

Join your industry peers at the leading awards event for the industry, by the industry Now in their 6th year and established as the go-to event for the industry, Logistics UK’s prestigious Logistics Awards are back for 2022! Taking place on the 8 December at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London. Supported by our headline sponsor…

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