TFG Transfracht to serve Wolfurt terminal by the end of January
TFG Transfracht will extend its AlbatrosExpress Switzerland service to Wolfurt in Vorarlberg by the end of January
TFG Transfracht is about to expand its Austrian program. From the end of January the Wolfurt terminal in Vorarlberg will be integrated part of the schedule. The AlbatrosExpress Switzerland will drive five weekly rotations between Wolfurt and the Rekingen terminal and from there to the German seaports Hamburg and Bremerhaven. “The geographic vicinity of this terminal is the reason for a tight connection to the Rekingen terminal in Switzerland“, the company explains in a press release. TFG Transfracht Internationale Gesellschaft für kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH & Co, a holding of DB Mobility Logistics AG and HHLA Intermodal GmbH, is market leader in hinterland traffic with the German seaports. The enterprise transports containers on behalf of forwarders and shippers from the German seaports directly to the end recipients in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as vice versa. Three countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and two ports (Bremerhaven and Hamburg) are served by one train system – Albatros Express. With more than 15,000 connections per year and more than 23 terminals the AlbatrosExpress-network is the densest rail network in European seaport hinterland traffic. Every day a transport capacity of 4,800 TEU is available. Quelle: LogEastics |