The end for ‘Patrizia Express’ block train between Trieste and Ulm

Weekly block train Trieste – Ulm Beimerstetten v. v. of Rail Cargo Austria to be ceased on 1 January 2013
Current optimisations of the international network of Rail Cargo Austria AG result in the closure of one more block train service. A critical economic analysis of traffic volume and structures showed that the service between Trieste and Ulm Beimerstetten can no longer be operated. The weekly block train called ‘Patrizia Express’ will be ceased as of 1 January 2013.
Next year the volumes will be joined Ulm Beimerstetten with shipments destined for München Riem, so a better capacity utilisation of the trains can be reached. “Adding the containers to the train for Munich allows increasing the frequency for import and export there. The existing container volume is transported four times weekly via Munich Riem“, Rail Cargo Austria states in an information.

Quelle: LogEastics


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