Aramex launches new sea-air service from China to Europe

Aramex logistics group starts new sea-air service with more cost efficiency for the importation of Chinese goods to Europe


The international transport and logistics group Aramex with its headquarters in Dubai is starting a new sea-air service from China to Europe these days. Using Vancouver on the Canadian Pacific coast as a point for throughput, transport times of 18 days can be offered while high cost efficiency can be guaranteed, as the enterprise announces. In a press release the management refers to secured transport capacities in the segments sea freight (from China to Canada) and air freight (from Canada to United Kingdom, Netherlands and France).

Aramex counts among the first addresses for Transport and logistics services on the Arabian Peninsula. The range of services comprises solutions for the fields of express, freight, logistics and shopping services. With their membership at Global Distribution Alliance (GDA) they serve around 240 countries worldwide.

Quelle: LogEastics

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