CombiNet wants to perfect the quality of combined transport

CombiNet association launches numerous initiatives to boost the popularity of intermodal transport logistics

There is a lot of work left for the association for combined transport CombiNet – Netzwerk Kombinierter Verkehr (Vienna). At the ordinary general meeting on 18 June the 36 members of the association have decided to implement measures to further improve and perfect the whole system of combined transport. They are planning measures like initiating regular discussions of representatives of carriers and their customers with experts of the Ministry of Transport. The “Handbuch Intermodaler Verkehr“ (manual on intermodal transport), which is to be published in the second half of the year 2010, and biannual information events at different members shall help to boost the popularity of combined transport.

The CombiNet – Netzwerk Kombinierter Verkehr association was formed three years ago. Its members come from all segments of combined transport and work to promote the type of transport, the elimination of barriers, a stronger awareness for networking and establishing joint projects. Herbert Peherstorfer from the neutral Konsulenten Verkehrsplanung Käfer GmbH (consultants transport planning company) was confirmed in his position as the Chairman at the ordinary general meeting. Vice Chairwoman Ingrid Glauninger from Montan Spedition in Kapfenberg, Robert Schnetzer from Containerdienst Hämmerle in Bludenz (cashier) and Otto Hawlicek from CTS Containerterminal Salzburg make the Management Board complete. The advisory board has 10 members from six Laender.

Quelle: LogEastics

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