Crucial changes of Hungary’s Deltasped

Activities of Deltasped (Budapest) were merged with the operations of the two companies Multicont and Waberer’s
The Hungarian Deltasped has radically changed its operating processes. In the course of the reorganisation of the Waberer’s Group their land transport activities (general cargo and part load traffic) were integrated into Waberer’s system. Since recently the air and sea freight business lies in the hands of Multicont Zrt. (Budapest). The background of these measures is the fusion of Deltasped and the parent company Waberer’s Group effective 29 February 2012.
Since its establishment in 1989 Deltasped has evolved into one of the leading, private-owned forwarding companies in Hungary. Providing services in the segments land transport, air freight, sea freight, project, their 50 staff lately generated annual turnover of about EUR 35 million.

Quelle: LogEastics


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