European labour agreement in river shipping industry

Employer and employees on the river shipping industry agree upon new conditions for working hours

The international associations of European employers and employees in the river shipping industry agreed upon new conditions for working hours. The social partnership agreement concluded on 15 February 2012 in Brussels shall replace the general working time directive. It refers to the industry-specific particularities of river shipping business, as the Bundesverband der deutschen Binnenschifffahrt announces in a press release.

According to the terms of the new working hours agreement the navigational crew and cabin staff may work 48 hours per week on average over a period of 12 months. Working time during the night is limited to 42 hours per week. The minimum daily rest period is 10 hours, of which 6 hours must be provided without interruption. However, there are special rules for seasonal passenger ships. Parties to the agreement are: the European Barge Union (EBU), European sailors Organization (ESO) and the European Transport Workers‘ Union (ETF).

"The labour agreement grants companies of the inland shipping industry greater flexibility in staff planning and secures at the same time a high level of the employees’ occupational and health safety. Attractive working conditions are an important prerequisite for the inland waterways can employ well-qualified personnel in the future." says George Hötte, president of the BDB. The social partnership agreement is now being legally examined by the European Commission and submitted as guideline to the Council of the European Union for decision.

Quelle: LogEastics

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