Hafen Hamburg heading directly towards a new record high for 2014
Distinct positive developments in sea cargo handlings at Hafen Hamburg; port was able to consolidate strong market position in container handling
“In 2014 we can reach a plus of four percent in sea cargo handling and in container handling a five percent increase, if everything proceeds as scheduled,” says Axel Mattern, CEO of HHM (Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V), upon the release of the developments of seaborne cargo for the first six months of 2014 in the north German seaports. This forecast is realistic provided that container traffic with China will continue to grow and no increasing limitations are imposed on foreign trade with Russia due to sanctions. For the year 2014, a total turnover of approximately 145 million tons and a container throughput of about 9.7 million TEU would be possible. These results would top the previous record achieved in 2008 of 140 million tons of sea cargo.
Throughput in conventional general cargo also showed positive development with a plus at 930,000 tons (+ 0.8 percent) in the first half year, including 302,000 tons (+ 1.7 percent) in project and heavy lift cargo handling at the special terminals. This was possible thanks to strong growth in imports from 33.3 percent up to 66,000 tons. The bulk cargo sector with 21 million tons shows growth of 1.6 percent.
The first six months were also marked by a volume increase in seaborne cargo of an unforeseeable amount, brought about by the continued growth in size of containerships. In the first half year of 2014, Hamburg received 244 ‘ultra large containerships’ with slot capacities of 10,000 TEU and more. The number of ships in this large size class calling increased in by 27.1 percent within the comparable prior-year-period. For Ingo Egloff, CEO of Hafen Hamburg (HHM), this “clearly shows that the river channel adjustment in the lower and outer Elbe must be realized urgently for the Port and shipping industry.”
Quelle: LogEastics
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