Insolvency of “Transline“ Transport Agentur GmbH

Start of self-administered remediation process of “Transline“Transport Agentur GmbH in Irschen

A new case of insolvency occurred within Austria’s transport logistics industry. On 1 February the remediation process about the assets and liabilities of the “Transline“ Transport Agentur GmbH (Simmerlach 105a, 9773 Irschen) was opened at the regional court Landesgericht Klagenfurt, as reports the association for the protection of creditors Gläubigerschutzorganisation KSV 1870. The insolvency was due to the economic crisis, price pressure and bad debt losses as the management states.

The insolvency of the “Transline“ forwarding company affects three employees and about 170 creditors. According to KSV 1980 assets amount to about EUR 1.5 million, while liabilities amount to EUR 1.6 million. The proposed plan for remediation stipulates the payment of a 30% quota within two years from acceptation.

Quelle: LogEastics

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