Railway undertaking CargoServ is on track from June 1, 2013

LogServ brand CargoServ to start officially operating as private railway undertaking on the public rail network

CargoServ has set the course for the official start of operation. From June 1, 2013 Cargo Service GmbH will officially operate as a private railway undertaking (RU). On April 4, 2013 the subsidiary company of Logistik Service GmbH (LogServ) has received the safety certification from the railway authorities, permitting the operation of transportations on the public rail network. Since then the private RU CargoServ has been offering full range concepts for cargo transport on the rail from sidings via the publich rail network to the customers.

„Our know-how about rail sidings will be integrated in the development of full range concepts for cargo transport on the rail. So we can support our customers in optimising their rail logistics processes,“ CEO Markus CargoServ Schinko explains the benefits of the reorganisation of rail freight transport for the voestalpine group, as well as for customers.

With the official start of operation on June 1 alle formalities of the transfer of the RU agendas will be completed from Logistik Service GmbH, founded in 2001 as a subsidiary of voestalpine Stahl GmbH, to the CargoServ brand, also established in 2001. In the future CargoServ will act autonomously as a private RU with their own fleet and staff, and operations. CargoServ is currently transporting annual cargo volume of about 4.2 tonnes of raw material and finished products (or 74 trains per week) under their own direction.

Quelle: LogEastics

Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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