Rolling road on Brenner gets further upwind

Shift of truck traffic from the road to rail induces Ökombi to enhance their offer


Ökombi, a 100%-subsidiary of Rail Cargo Austria, registers an increase of rolling road transportations across the Brenner mountain in its interim report. With around 185,000 forwarded trucks from January to September they transported 10.6 per cent more consignments on the rail than in the same period of the previous year (2009: 226,000 truck units).

On the Brenner route 54 rolling road trains are operated currently per day. In response to the high utilisation rate (87 per cent on average), 12 additional trains will be operated from and to Trient from December. The daily available slot capacity was already stepped up from 988 truck places at the beginning of this year, to 1,020 right now. From December the daily capacity will be 1,056 places. Thus in the total year 300,000 truck places are offered in total.

The market share of rolling road of the total transit traffic of heavy trucks crossing the Brenner amounted to 15 per cent in 2009, which is an increase of 5 percentage points compared to 2008.

Quelle: LogEastics

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