Sarp Intermodal and Gartner KG pushing traffic with Turkey

The partnership launched two years ago by Gartner KG and Batu Intermodal, which was renamed to Sarp Intermodal (Istanbul) in June 2017, operates unaccompanied combined transports between Europe on the one hand, and Turkey and its neighboring countries Iran, Iraq, Georgia And Azerbaijan on the other hand, and is now well on track. In particular the Turkish company is growing rapidly. Last year 7,000 shipments were transported by rail; this year the persons in charge expect about 10,000 transports.

Jochen Weber, Head of Intermodal Gartner KG, and Onur Talay, Managing Director Sarp Intermodal, presented the partnership on July 11 in Istanbul to the numerous representatives of the Turkish press. They stressed the relevance of the intermodal cooperation for transports from southern Germany and Austria to Turkey and back.

The two business partners reported that they were profiting from the route of U.N. Ro-Ro, ie from their liner services by sea from Istanbul Pendik to Trieste, with subsequent forwarding on the rail from Northern Italy to Wels and back. The house-to-house transit times were calculated with around seven days.

Gartner KG and Sarp Intermodal offer their customers door-to-door services. The combined volume on the Turkey-Trieste-Wels corridor is currently around 400 shipments per month, with a rising trend. 45′ pallet wide containers are used for this service. The company mainly carries food, textile, chemical and automotive products. In addition to the services offered by U.N. Ro-Ro, Sarp Intermodal also uses Rail Cargo Operator’s rail concepts from / to Budapest and Sopron, Cemat and Kombiverkehr.;



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