VNL Österreich and FH OÖ starts „logistics in schools“-campaign

Free teaching material shall easily bring closer the topic logistics to students and apprentices in class:

The Austrian logistics association Verein Netzwerk Logistik (VNL Österreich) and Logistikum – the logistics department of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Steyr – are launching a campaign to bring closer the topic logistics to adolescents (e.g.: students or apprentices) aged 16 to 19 years. With the aid of specially designed and free teaching materials professors and teachers may easily prepare classes about the topic logistics.

In addition to a standard knowledge about logistics the „logistics in schools“-campaign shall arouse interest of students and apprentices to continue further logistics training. “Skilled employees are more and more on demand in the logistics sector“, reports Prof. (FH) DI Franz Staberhofer, chairman VNL and head of the course of studies at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

“Logistics in schools“ („Logistik macht Schule“) allows the teaching staff to pick up single chapters and prepare one or more classes. The teaching material is designed as an interactive tool. In addition to theoretic basics about logistics, it contains also articles of enterprises and their solutions for logistic problems. Control questions and exercises such as crosswords and team exercises permit playful learning of all issues related to logistics.

Teaching material, presentations and videos about the chapters, additional exercises in PDF and logistics games are available at . Prof. Ferdinand Dorfwirth, commercial academy Perg, describes the concept as follows: “The ‚logistics in schools’-campaign makes it easier to explain the world of logistics to students. Short theoretic inputs, combined with practical examples from Austrian logistics service providers give a good and easy to understand introduction into this topic. The program is completed through short videos and games.“

Quelle: LogEastics

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