Aeroflot Cargo records big increase in volumes

Aeroflot Cargo renewed their longhaul freighter fleet in 2008

Aeroflot Cargo recorded a positive business development in 2008. The company transported 150,305 tons of air cargo and thus exceeded the figure of the previous year by 10.7 per cent. Passenger aircrafts of the Aeroflot Russian Airlines had been transporting 86,395 tons (+ 1.1%) of the total volume. The other 63,910 tons had been flown with freighter services, which is a year-on-year increase of 27.2 per cent compared to 2007.

In the reporting period Aeroflot Cargo replaced three DC-10 freighters by three MD-11F jets with a payload of each about 90 tons. The new aircrafts are regularly approaching the airports Hahn, Moscow, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk, Almaty, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo. The company plans to add further 3 MD-11F units to the freighter fleet before the end of 2009.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung

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