Ecu Line: New locations in Serbia and Ukraine

NVOCC and LCL specialist Ecu Line (Antwerp) plans further steps to expand in Eastern Europe and the Adriatic region


The planned expansion of the Belgian LCL specialist Ecu Line is proceeding well in Eastern Europe and the riparian states of the Adriatic Sea. Having opened an office in Koper in spring, they established a location in Serbia’s capital Belgrade recently. The new site within the network of the worldwide active enterprise, with its headquarters in Antwerp, serves the countries Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. Importations are handled via Koper. Export consignments are transported on the lane via the Northern ports.

Ecu Line wants to become the leading NVOCC in Eastern Europe and the Adriatic region within two years. To this end, apart from the site in Belgrade, they recently established the company Ecu Line Ukraine with locations in Kiev and Odessa. In addition Franky Van Doren, CEO Eastern Europe & Adriatic, West, East and South Africa Ecu Line, holds out the prospect of establishing more offices in Croatia and Byelorussia.

Quelle: LogEastics

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