Goodyear markets RFID-microchipped truck tyres

Goodyear’s RFID-microchipped truck tyres brings advantages in maintenance and increases safety for users

Goodyear introduces RFID-microchips (Radio Frequency Identity) in truck tires for commercial use. The new Regional RHT II RFID (Radio Frequency Identity) 435/50R19.5 trailer tire has a microchip built into it, which uniquely interfaces with FleetOnlineSolutions, Goodyear’s internet-based tire management program. The new tire offers fleet operators benefits including reduced downtime, improved tire management and greater security. While the RFID chips currently only carry identifying data it may be possible in the future to make them dynamic so that real-time monitoring of pressure and temperature is possible.

The reason that Goodyear selected the size 435/50R19.5 for RFID fitment is that it is the most popular tire size amongst ‘megatrailers’. The microchip is built into the tire on the assembly line and is programmed with a unique code that identifies the tire, enabling a hand-held reader to see the type and size of the tire as well as its unique identity number. This means these tires are easier to trace than other tires if they are stolen and the tires can be monitored throughout their service lives, including retreading, a press release of Goodyear reads. The enterprise anticipates extending RFID to other tire types and sizes in the near future.

Ewals Cargo Care, a European logistics provider operating 3,100 trailers and 1,200 intermodal Huckepack mega trailers, has been trialling the new RFID-equipped Goodyear Regional RHT II 435/50R19.5 trailer tires. “The new tires offer us significant benefits”, said Bart van Rens, Fleet Control Manager for Ewals. “The RFID speeds-up maintenance. It also will reduce the problem of tires being stolen from our trailers”, he adds.

Quelle: LogEastics

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