Increasing container volumes at Rhenus-Yuzhny Port

Expansion according to schedule and continuously increasing utilisation of Rhenus-Yuzhny Port in Moscow


OOO Rhenus-Yuzhny Port – the joint venture of OOO Rhenus Port Logistics, Moscow and OAO Yuzhniy Retschnoj Port – is progressing its positioning as a multimodal container terminal. The second stage of the expansion was just finished. The number of block trains is continuously rising. In October a river vessel carrying empty containers with the destination seaport St. Petersburg was handled for the first time in Russia’s younger history.

“We are happy that the expansion of our terminal is proceeding well,“ says Pavel Belkin, Managing Director OOO Rhenus-Yuzhny Port in Moscow. “The demand for container throughput space in Moscow is great, as past months have showed.“ Rhenus-Yuzhny Port handles up to 4,000 containers per month. The area of the joint venture has been growing since the opening in January 2009 from 3,000 sq. m. to more than 22,000 sq. m. after the second stage of expansion. So 4,000 TEU can be stored at the same time right now. Throughput equipment was increased from two to three reach stackers in November.

Rhenus-Yuzhny Port is currently following initiatives to expand block train traffic. In addition to the weekly operated “shuttle” between St. Petersburg and Moscow, a service for the receipt of block trains from the Far East shall start before the end of this year. With regard to river shipping Pavel Belkin is investigating the options to set up a regular connection from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

Quelle: LogEastics

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