Private rail operator Crossrail with new strong shareholder structure

GTS General Transport Service, Lkw Walter, MSC Belgium and Bertschi Group have joined the shareholder circle of Crossrail
The private rail operator Crossrail (Muttenz/Basel) has strengthened its position with a new strong shareholder structure. After the joining of GTS and Lkw Walter in February 2012, also MSC Belgium NV (representing one of the world’s biggest shipping companies) and Bertschi AG, a leading European transport company specialized in chemical products transportation, have joined the shareholder structure of Crossrail.
Crossrail AG is a leading private railway undertaking in Europe, incorporated and existing under the laws of Switzerland. It operates in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France and in The Netherlands. It has two fully owned daughter companies, Crossrail Benelux NV and Crossrail Italy Srl.
The broad shareholdership of international logistics companies supports the business project of Crossrail. Shareholders are: Le Jeune Capital & Partners AG with 20% of the shares, Lkw Walter (25%), Hupac AG (25%), GTS General Transport Service (10%), MSC Belgium NV (10%) and Bertschi AG (10%). The new shareholding of Crossrail, with leading companies working in different logistic segments and all of them standing out in their markets for their strategic vision and solidity, underlines the strong interest of the market to develop private railway initiatives in the cargo business.
Thanks to its new structure, Crossrail can further guarantee continuity and stability to its growth strategy which aims to develop traffic connections all over Europe in the coming years. The company focuses on the further development of its strong position in the Belgian market, especially in the port of Antwerp, going forward with the optimisation of the existing network which covers the transalpine traffic via Switzerland as well as the traffic on the East-West axis.

Quelle: LogEastics


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