Still tense price situation in the forwarding branch

Upper Austria’s forwarding industry considers appropriate to be cautious in spite of substantial volume increases


For Upper Austria’s forwarders the year 2010 is marked by ups and downs. KR Alfred Schneckenreither, president of the professional association of forwarders of the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber, reported a strong volume growth compared on the crisis year 2009 at the general meeting of the professional association on 13 October in Linz.

The price situation unfortunately did not keep up with this development. It was still below the level of 2008, as Schneckenreither stated regretfully. The more serious he appealed to the members of the professional group to adhere to a strict calculation of costs.

Basically Upper Austria’s forwarders consider it appropriate to be still cautious. Many enterprises are afraid the current development is just an intermediate high. Therefore the management boards take steps to establish flexible structures to face possible setbacks. However the forwarders still intend to address their attention to apprenticeships and issues concerning employees‘ trainings.

Quelle: LogEastics

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