UralRail (Moskau) becomes part of the InterRail group

InterRail group acquires the UralRail company and shows interest in purchasing further rail service providers with their own equipment

RailService Ltd., Moscow, a subsidiary of the Swiss InterRail Group, acquired the rolling stock owner UralRail, located in Moscow, as the group announces in a press release. “Thanks to the acquisition of a company with its own fleet, the spectrum of services offered by RailService has been extended to a great deal. From now on, our rolling stock will no longer merely exist of rented wagons, but also of our own ‘open-top’ wagons”, says Managing Director Yuri Kulakin. UralRail, which was founded in 1996, currently owns altogether 163 "open-top" wagons. More than 55 per cent of these wagons are no older than 10 years and 30 per cent no older than 5 years.

Further acquisitions of rail service providers with their own equipment are likely to follow. “It is part of InterRail’s longstanding tradition“, says its Chairman of the Board Hans Reinhard, “to actively seek ways and means of bundling traffic routes, to effectively focus on our structures, and to aim at making our services increasingly attractive.“ The InterRail Group incorporates other companies with extensive experience and their own equipment, such as InterRail Logistics and InterRail-TSES, both of which are leaders in container transportation to and from CIS.

RailService has been active in the area of rail forwarding since 1997. The portfolio of services includes transit, export, import and local freight transportation from and to the CIS, the Baltic States as well as other countries, by rail and on sea. The annual transportation volume of RailService has reached two million tons. Thus the company currently ranks among the "top-ten" Russian forwarding companies.

Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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