CSAV is looking for a strategic partner for container shipping

Board of Directors of the South American shipping group CSAV decides to increase capital at a volume of USD 1.2 billion:

The South American shipping group CSAV is starting into this autumn with a big bang. At the start of this month the Board of Directors has decided to increase capital at the amount of USD 1.2 billion. In addition shareholders were offered to spin off cargo shipping from activities around the operation of the fleet and the maritime cargo services division. They are looking for a strategic partner for the container shipping business, which had lately seen hard times.

The CSAV group based in Valparaiso, Chile, has joined the top ten providers of global liner shipping services through its ambitious expansion program in the latest history. This year they opened their own sales offices in Budapest and Vienna. The target of the capital increase and the planned spin off of the freight shipping business is to strengthen their economic position on the medium and long term.

Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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