
IT-Blog | Die digitale Datenwolke – eine Sache des Vertrauens

Social Media, Streaming Dienste und Suchmaschinen – immer mehr Dienste und Systeme setzen auf die Vorteile von Cloud Computing. Mit zunehmender Komplexität von IT- und Software-Infrastrukturen innerhalb und zwischen Unternehmen können professionelle Cloud-Lösungen bei der Gestaltung effizienter und flexibler Unternehmensprozesse helfen. So werden eventuell eingeschränkte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten innerhalb der hauseigenen IT-Abteilung aufgebrochen. Die Entscheidung für cloudbasierte…


Next secures £107 million warehouse sale and leaseback

Next has secured the £107 million sale and leaseback of a warehouse complex in West Yorkshire totalling 1.18 million sq ft. The properties have been sold to global asset management company, Aviva Investors for its Lime Property Fund, a long income real estate fund launched in 2004. The fund has a net asset value of…


Next cancels £290 million of orders due to excess inventory; re-opens warehouses

Retailer Next has cancelled some £290 million of purchases from suppliers due to the excess of stock currently in its warehouses and supply chain.   Next said its sales had fallen 41% in the year to 25 April, with store sales down 52% and online down 32%. It said that this reduction in sales volumes had…

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Donau Zentrum: Gesamtes Center ab 2. Mai wieder geöffnet

Wiens größtes Einkaufszentrum öffnet nach der Corona bedingten Teilschließung am morgigen Samstag – erhöhte Reinigungsintervalle und Maskenpflicht im Center. Comeback in der Donaustadt: Ab morgen Samstag 09:00 Uhr sind die Tore zu Wiens größtem Einkaufszentrum wieder geöffnet. Die mehr als 260 im Center angesiedelten Geschäfte sperren wieder auf, nachdem in den letzten Wochen nur systemrelevante…

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Shopping City Süd ab 2. Mai wieder vollständig geöffnet

Österreichs größtes Einkaufszentrum öffnet nach der Corona bedingten Teilschließung am morgigen Samstag – erhöhte Reinigungsintervalle und Maskenpflicht im Center. Endlich ist es soweit: Österreichs größtes Einkaufszentrum öffnet morgen Samstag ab 09:00 Uhr wieder seine Tore. Bei mehr als 270 Geschäften im gesamten Center werden die Rollbalken wieder hochgefahren, nachdem während der Corona Pandemie nur systemrelevante…


Fashion supply chains urged to build stronger relationships

Fashion supply chains have been urged to use the global coronavirus crisis to take stock of existing business models and create more stable and sustainable supply chains. Research firm GlobalData claimed that global clothing supply chains had “unravelled” in the face of the crisis and it said that trust and goodwill had also eroded between…

LOGISTIK express Journal 2/2020
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LOGISTIK express Journal 2/2020

Wer hätte es sich Anfang des Jahres gedacht, dass wir im zweiten Jahresquartal tief in die Corona Krise schlittern und höllisch achtsam sein müssen, um die kommenden Monate wirtschaftlich gut über die Runden zu kommen? Wohl niemand. So passen auch wir uns den Gegebenheiten an und werden erstmal den 5. eCommerce Logistik-Day 2020 virtuell ausrichten,…

Intelligenter, mobiler, vernetzter: nächste Generation Roboter ebnet Weg zum Dark Warehouse
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Intelligenter, mobiler, vernetzter: nächste Generation Roboter ebnet Weg zum Dark Warehouse

Die Anforderungen an intralogistische Automatisierung verändern sich permanent. Das hat mit Technologiesprüngen zu tun, aber auch mit einer sich wandelnden Gesellschaft. Dematic hat im Rahmen ihrer 200-jährigen Firmengeschichte viele Entwicklungen maßgeblich vorangetrieben: Regalbediengeräte, Fahrerlose Transportsysteme und Multishuttle Systeme. Auch in der Robotik sehen die Automatisierungsexperten viel Potenzial für das Warenlager der Zukunft. Früher musste alles…


Co-op faces £200 million coronavirus cost; expands home delivery

Co-op expects additional costs associated with Covid-19 to be in excess of £200 million, although these will, in part, be offset by increased food sales and business rates relief in 2020. Group chief executive Steve Murrells said that 2020 would be a year of “hugely significant disruption” adding that there was “a dramatic increase in…


Boohoo reassures suppliers; invests in automation despite Covid-19

Online fashion retailer boohoo has joined a number of businesses setting up emergency funds to pay suppliers affected by the economic slowdown of the Covid-19 pandemic. Boohoo told investors that it was “standing alongside our suppliers, continuing to pay them promptly with industry-leading payment terms for all of their orders”. It revealed it had set…


Medizin-Mechatroniker Werner Baumgartner warnt vor der Verwendung von FFP-Atemschutzmasken in Supermärkten

Im heutigen JKU Corona Update der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz hat Prof. Werner Baumgartner vom Institut für Medizin- und Biomechatronik die unterschiedliche Wirkung von Schutzmasken erläutert. Während der klassische Mund- und Nasenschutz umstehende Personen schützt, dienen FFP-Atemschutzmasken meistens nur dem Selbstschutz. KI-Experte Bernhard Nessler (JKU) hat den Datenschutz-Standard beim Projekt Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT)…

Schiffsunfall in Budapest am 29.5.2019 HABLEÀNY versus VIKING SIGYN
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Schiffsunfall in Budapest am 29.5.2019 HABLEÀNY versus VIKING SIGYN

Eine Analyse von FORUM INLAND SHIPPING (FIS) – Kompetenzzentrum Binnenschifffahrt! Redaktion: Peter Baumgartner. Die traurige Bilanz einer Tragödie: 27 Tote, 1 Person vermisst, 1 Schiff gesunken und der tagelange Einsatz von mehr als 100 internationalen Einsatzkräften zur Bewältigung des Unglücks unter den Augen der internationalen Öffentlichkeit. Derartige Unfälle sind in der Binnenschifffahrt selten, aber leider…

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Handelsobmann Buchmüller: „Beim Einkaufen im Geschäft Vorsichtsmaßnahmen einhalten“

Mund-Nasen-Schutzmasken sowie Einkaufswagen verwenden, Abstand halten, Anweisungen des Verkaufspersonals Folge leisten. „Der Handel freut sich auf seine Kundinnen und Kunden“, sagt Peter Buchmüller, Obmann der Bundessparte Handel der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ). Der Sprecher des österreichischen Handels appelliert an die Menschen, die in die geöffneten Geschäfte in ganz Österreich kommen, „sich weiterhin so vorbildlich an die…


IAG Cargo moves 1,000 tonnes of medical equipment and supplies in COVID-19 response

IAG Cargo has moved over 1,000 tonnes of medical equipment and supplies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, include 55 tonnes of hand sanitiser destined for the NHS on a single flight. IAG Cargo is operating charter and cargo only flights to transport critical goods like personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitiser and ventilators. Shipments…


Logistics Manager Analysis: Forecasting and S&OP… Big data, big decisions 

Forecasting the demands of a business is also essential, for correct distribution of goods. However, as the supply chain changes so rapidly, especially with the rise of e-commerce, can forecasting professionals and S&OP specialists keep up with the ever-changing trends? Michelle Mooney investigates.   Reducing forecasting error is essential if a business wants to thrive. To get…


GEFCO keeps automotive supply chains moving

3PL GEFCO has moved 750 tons of spare parts from China to France in eight chartered flights to prevent production stoppages in automotive supply chains over the last two months. The parts – including turbo compressors, pistons, control panels, doors and mouldings – will be stored in airport warehouses to ensure fast access for clients…


ASOS sees sales fall 25% during COVID-19 lockdown

Sales at online fashion retailer ASOS have fallen by “20% to 25%” it said, as demand dropped following the introduction of COVID-19 protection measures. ASOS told investors today (8 April 2020) that consumer demand in an uncertain environment was “by far the biggest uncertainty” the business was facing, but all warehouses remain operational, albeit at…


Next seeks sale and leaseback on warehouses for £100m boost

Clothes and homeware retailer Next is seeking sale and leasebacks on warehouses and its Leicestershire headquarters that it holds freehold, in an effort to secure £100 million to boost its coffers through the coronavirus crises. Last month Next closed its warehousing and distribution operations and said it would not be taking any further orders via its…


Xpediator tackling COVID-19 challenge ‘head on’

Xpediator is tackling sudden spikes in demand for key products, created by measures to curb the spread of CVOID-19,  “head-on” and is working in close collaboration with customers and suppliers to ensure it operates efficiently. Dave Gladen, group marketing manager at international freight and logistics management specialist Xpediator, told Logistics Manager: “The wellbeing and safety…


JCB joins call to action for ventilator shortage

JCB is ready produce of ventilators at a production line that was previously closed due to COVID-19. JCB received a direct appeal from Prime Minister Boris Johnson to manufacture ventilators for coronavirus patients. Following the call, JCB Chairman Bamford agreed to help “in any way the company could”. JCB is now in a position to…


Occupiers still looking for larger spaces despite “unprecedented” global pandemic

SEGRO is optimistic to “weather the storm” until the COVID-19 crisis subsides, after it said that occupiers are still looking to expand to larger spaces once the pandemic is over. The warehousing giant said that rent roll growth tracking was ahead of expectations due to new letting and pre-lets, prior to the onset of the…


COVID-19: Davies Turner increases warehousing capacity

Davies Turner chairman Philip Stephenson has called for innovative thinking from the logistics sector in the face of regional trade restrictions and freight capacity pressures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month the 3PL re-commence its fixed-day, weekly direct rail import service from China to the UK in March, after it was suspended due to…


Slow technology adoption limiting procurement and supply chain success

A lack of technology adoption is holding procurement functions back from overcoming supply chain challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a survey has found. Spend management software supplier Ivalua and Forrester Consulting conduced a worldwide study of procurement, supply chain, and finance business leaders which found that procurement teams were suffering from a lack of…


Supply chain thefts sees losses top €137m in 2019

Cargo-related crimes have doubled in the last year, leading to €137 million (£125.5 million) in losses. Cargo thefts from supply chains in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) more than doubled to 8,548 incidents in 2019, compared to 3,981 in 2018, and meant that losses of product worth well over €137 million were incurred,…


Saint-Gobain and Travis Perkins re-open construction supply chains for UK essential services

Building merchant and construction materials giants Saint-Gobain UK and Travis Perkins have re-opened some construction supply chains – primarily those that support national infrastructure – after initially closing following the prime minister’s lockdown order. Saint-Gobain UK and Ireland said that it initially took the decision on Monday evening [23 March] to close all UK distribution…


Clipper Logistics providing supply chain support to grocery sector

Clipper Logistics has received what it describes as “notable additional requests” from several of its grocery-related customers to provide supply chain support as a result of COVID-19. The 3PL and e-fulfilment specialist said that this included warehousing, cross-dock, picking and transportation, and it was now actively engaging with all major food retailers to provide such…


Wincanton reports record demand due to COVID-19

Wincanton has reported record demand for its services from many customers during the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, with high levels of activity in its grocery, consumer and general haulage divisions.  It said that current indications are that good levels of demand will be maintained in those sectors during the period being impacted by…


Institute of Couriers: ‘Finest hour for final mile’

The Institute of Couriers (IoC) has asked e-commerce customers to mark doors with the message: “I am at home, please knock and leave goods outside”. With the whole of the UK in lockdown over the next three weeks to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the Institute of Couriers is asking people help the delivery sector…


W.E. Deane frees warehousing space amid warnings of capacity shortage

International freight forwarder W.E. Deane has freed up 5,000 pallet spaces at its Barking depot in order to accommodate an expected incoming surplus as a result of COVID-19.   W.E. Deane said it was freeing up the space in order to help businesses meet with the spike in demand due to stockpiling as a result…

Business Analytics Cockpit für Logistikdienstleister reduziert auch Schadensfälle
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Business Analytics Cockpit für Logistikdienstleister reduziert auch Schadensfälle

Durch Analysemöglichkeiten können Logistiker ihre Kennzahlen erkennen und sehen, ob Zielsetzungen erfüllt wurden, wo Abweichungen liegen und rechtzeitig Maßnahmen ergreifen. Erkenntnisse aus der Analyse des gesamten Unternehmens in Verbindung mit den wichtigsten Geschäftsfaktoren und finanziellen KPIs zu gewinnen ist essenziell, um dem Mitbewerb einen entscheidenden Schritt voraus zu sein. Das Business Analytics Cockpit für Logistikdienstleister…

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