
Westcoast revealed as first sponsor of all-new Logistics Manager Top 50 Service Providers

IT distributor and supply chain services supplier Westcoast has become the first sponsor of the Logistics Manager Top 50 Service Providers – a week of webinars and analysis of the fastest-growing 3PLs in the UK. The reveal of the Logistics Manager Top 50 will begin on Monday 30 November, counting down every day to revealing…


Editor’s Blog: The perfect storm for property?

Normally the phrase perfect storm, particularly in a business sense, is a convergence of unfortunate events. It’s the perfect storm that leads to some form of economic crash. Yet, right now, for commercial and industrial property in the UK there is a confluence of events happening that will change the market in the UK inalterably….


Third of supply chains plan to move some sourcing out of China

A third (33%) of supply chain leaders have moved sourcing and manufacturing activities out of China, or plan to do so in the next two to three years, according to a survey by Gartner. But the Covid-19 pandemic is just one of several reasons why global supply chains are moving activities out of China, with…


Logistics Manager Analysis: WMS in manufacturing… finding a fix

Broken supply chains throughout the manufacturing sector will put pressure on warehouses like never before. The economic consequences to the measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus worldwide will reverberate for months, if not years to come. A robust warehouse management system will be key to recovery, writes Christopher Walton. Before Covid-19 hit, the…


Logistics Manager Sector Report: Automotive supply chains face a fork in the road

Automotive supply chains stand at a major crossroads. Perhaps the pause in OEM production due to coronavirus could lead to entirely new supply chains building entirely different products? Christopher Walton investigates. Before the coronavirus effectively halted huge swathes of automotive manufacturing worldwide, especially in Europe, the sector in the UK was at a crossroads. Brexit…


Editor’s Blog: How much supply chain resilience do we have?

Today I hosted the first Logistics Manager webinar, part of our series focusing on the key issues facing the supply chain at the moment, and I‘d like to thank all our readers who attended. Those who watched the webinar, which is now available to view at your leisure on logisticsmanager.com, would have heard from FTA…


Watch it now! Logistics Manager Webinar: How will Brexit affect logistics and trade?

This webinar is designed to bring senior decision makers up-to-speed with the very latest issues regarding the cross-border flow of goods between the UK and its largest trading partner. By watching this webinar you will learn: This free-to-attend webinar is the first in a series of supply chain specials from Logistics Manager in June, looking at…


Logistics Manager Webinar: How will Brexit affect logistics and trade? 

On 1 January 2021 the transition period for the UK leaving the European Union will end, and with negotiations taking place virtually this year, business leaders in logistics and supply chain are planning for uncertainty. To guide you through the coming months, Logistics Manager will host a webinar on Tuesday 9 June at 10.30am, to…


BIFA urges members to join post-Brexit HMRC customs agents list

The British International Freight Association calling for its members to join an HMRC list of customs agents and parcel couriers for customs declarations. With the transition period for the European Union ending on 31 December 2020, BIFA said that the list was required to overcome unnecessary disruption during trade talks next year. Robert Keen, director…


Logistics Manager Analysis: Air, rail and port warehousing developments

With the government pushing for a net-zero carbon future could rail, air and port related warehousing schemes be the answer? Liza Helps reports.  On 27 June 2019 the UK became the first major economy in the world to legislate to end its contribution to global warming by 2050, and it turned its gaze firmly on the logistics industry…


Logistics Manager Analysis: Supply chain risk management in a world of coronavirus

From coronavirus to Brexit, sustainability to e-commerce market, risk management is at the centre of a stable chain. How supply chain practitioners cope with these dangers depends on how robust risk management systems are. The world is heading in a new direction and supply chains need to be able to survive in order to overcome…

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US-Handelspolitik bremst Röhlig Logistics

Das inhabergeführte Logistikunternehmen Röhlig baut seine weltweite Präsenz weiter aus. In China ist das inhabergeführte Logistikunternehmen jetzt durch die Eröffnung dreier neuer Büros im Westen, namentlich Chengdu, Chongqing und Xi’an, insgesamt mit zwölf Niederlassungen vertreten. In Mexiko hat Röhlig 100 Prozent der Anteile an seinem bisherigen Joint-Venture übernommen und ist mit Niederlassungen in Mexico City,…

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Zwei österreichische Standorte unter den Top 20 GVZ 2020

Die beiden österreichischen Frachtumschlagzentren Cargo Center Graz (CCG) und Ennshafen erfüllen hohe Maßstäbe. Das bestätigt das bislang dritte europäische GVZ-Ranking, welches im Abstand von jeweils fünf Jahren durch die Deutsche GVZ-Gesellschaft mbH (DGG) erstellt wird. Demnach hat sich das Cargo Center Graz von Platz 18 (2015) auf Platz 9 (2020) verbessert. Ennshafen ist erstmals auf…


Xpediator suspends capital investment projects until coronavirus crisis passes

Xpediator has said it has introduced temporary pay reductions, reduced costs in areas where activity is lower and suspend “certain capital investment projects” until the coronavirus crisis has passed. However the freight management services company said that notwithstanding Covid-19 it had made a ‘solid’ start to 2020 with turnover “slightly up” on a like-for-like basis…

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Waberers’s International stellt weitere 1.200 Lkw-Züge ab

Das Jahr 2019 war für Waberer’s eine Herausforderung, da mehrere externe Faktoren den Betrieb störten. Im Kernsegment Internationaler Transport wurde ein Transformationsprogramm gestartet. Dieses umfasste die Reduktion der eigenen Lkw-Flotte, begleitet von der Einführung einer Struktur welche die Kapazitätsauslastung und die Rentabilität der Flotte des Segments Internationale Transporte verbessert. Konkret wurden die internationale Flotte im…


Runcorn warehouse investment increases 24% in four years

A massive parcel hub let to DHL in Runcorn has sold for £6.6 million more than it was bought for in 2016, representing a 24% increase in just four years. The 651,410 sq ft warehouse was sold by Atlantic Leaf for £34 million to Singapore based alternative asset management firm Elite Partners Capitol. It was…

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„Wir begleiten die Exportwirtschaft in die ganze Welt“

Anhand der Visitenkarte von Michael Viehböck lässt sich ablesen, was DHL Express in Österreich so erfolgreich macht. Der Quality, Environment & First Choice Manager des Unternehmens steht stellvertretend für alle Tugenden, die den Anbieter von Dienstleistungen im internationalen Express- und Kurierversand von Dokumenten, Paketen und Palettensendungen erfolgreich machen. Er agiert flexibel und kundenorientiert. Hinzu kommen…


COVID-19: Davies Turner increases warehousing capacity

Davies Turner chairman Philip Stephenson has called for innovative thinking from the logistics sector in the face of regional trade restrictions and freight capacity pressures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month the 3PL re-commence its fixed-day, weekly direct rail import service from China to the UK in March, after it was suspended due to…


W.E. Deane frees warehousing space amid warnings of capacity shortage

International freight forwarder W.E. Deane has freed up 5,000 pallet spaces at its Barking depot in order to accommodate an expected incoming surplus as a result of COVID-19.   W.E. Deane said it was freeing up the space in order to help businesses meet with the spike in demand due to stockpiling as a result…

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Arzneimittel bleiben verfügbar

Corona-Krise hat derzeit keine Auswirkungen auf die Arzneimittelversorgung. Produzenten und Großhandel sind lieferfähig. Arzneimittel sind auch in der derzeitigen Situation weiterhin verfügbar. „Wir sehen im Moment keine Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Verfügbarkeit von Arzneimitteln“, betont Mag. Alexander Herzog, Generalsekretär der PHARMIG. Sowohl die Hersteller als auch der Großhandel sind lieferfähig und es wird alles…


The Works extends contract with Europa Air & Sea

After working for five years alongside The Works, Europa Air & Sea will continue to oversee and manage its inbound movements. Mark Haywood, procurement manager at The Works said: “With exciting IT developments that will lead to operational savings being realised in Q2 of 2020, we are pleased to be extending our agreement and partnering…


Logistics Manager Analysis: WMS… fit for the future?

What do WMS users have to do to future-proof their operations? In a logistics market where the only constant is change, adapting to the needs of customers requires a robust infrastructure. Christopher Walton explores the options. Demand for warehouse processing from e-commerce can no longer be sustainably met by larger workforces. Costs are too high,…


Logistics Manager Analysis: Retail warehouse automation… the shifting sands

From optimising labour, to delivering RoI and reducing environmental impact, automation has a lot to offer retailers, even if the sands are shifting to make the same arguments. Michelle Mooney investigates. Automation has always been a simple argument: optimising of repetitive and strenuous tasks which would otherwise require hours of manual labour from several employees….


Editor’s Blog: Integrated supply chains under threat from coronavirus?

As we look forward to the Supply Chain Conference 2020 on 17 and 18 March I believe that supply chains are facing three major problems, one short-term, one medium-term and one long-term… The long-term issue is sustainability: more than just a buzzword to target environmentally-conscious consumers , sustainability is a way of doing business that…


Logistics Manager Analysis: Wincanton “disappointed” but “energised” after Eddie Stobart acquisition bid

The chief executive of Wincanton, James Wroath, has told Logistics Manager that the 3PL will not rule out further ‘bolt-on’ acquisitions after investors and shareholders reacted positively to its “disappointing” aborted bid to buy Eddie Stobart Logistics last year. On 23 August 2019 shares in Eddie Stobart were suspended, and just over a week later…


Editor’s Blog: Logistics needs to admit it has an EU national labour problem

I write this leader within throwing distance of the Home Office… an institution which has hit the headlines all week. It’s made the logistics sector in the UK face up to a serious issue: it is addicted to cheap, foreign labour. So, in Brexit-Britain, from1 January 2021, freedom of movement for European Union citizens in…


Supply Chain Conference 2020: Day Two Highlights

In a year when sustainability is the buzzword for supply chains it was prophetic that Sky were the Overall Winner at the Supply Chain Excellence Awards 2019. As winners of The Ethical Supply Chain Award Sky demonstrated it was a business that had ethical, social and environmental awareness fused into the very fabric of its…

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Deloitte Retail Report: Österreich mit drei Unternehmen im globalen Einzelhandels-Ranking vertreten

Spar, SIGNA Retail und XXXLutz unter Top 250. Österreich kann sich im international Einzelhandel durchaus behaupten. Das bestätigt ein aktueller Retail Report von Deloitte. Demnach ist die Alpenrepublik heuer mit drei Unternehmen unter den 250 umsatzstärksten Einzelhändlern der Welt vertreten. Neben Spar und XXXLutz ist erstmals auch SIGNA Retail Teil des Umsatzrankings. Der Report „Global…

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JadeWeserPort: Leichter Rückgang im Segment Container

Trotz widriger Umstände wie globalen Handelskriegen, ungewissem Ausgang im Brexit-Deal und Kohleausstieg erzielten die neun niedersächsischen Seehäfen im Vorjahr das beste Ergebnis seit der globalen Finanzkrise 2008. Mit rund 53,5 Mio. Tonnen Seegüterumschlag (2018: 49,8 Mio. Tonnen) wurde der Vergleichswert aus 2018 um 7 Prozent übertroffen. Die größten Zuwächse konnte der Umschlag von Rohöl, Baustoffen…

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Jetzt noch mehr „Power“ bei Mammoet Ferry Transport

Für Gerhart Puchberger war 2019 in jeder Hinsicht ein ereignisreiches Jahr. Erstens bescherte der zweimal knapp an der Umsetzung gescheiterte Brexit der von ihm geleiteten Österreich-Niederlassung von Mammoet Ferry Transport GmbH einen mächtigen Umsatzsprung. Mit 12 Mio. Euro wurde die Planvorgabe um rund 1,5 Mio. Euro übertroffen. Er könne sich an kein vergleichbares Jahr erinnern,…

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